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Fixed post🎤🎶

💚艾米麗💚 · 21:03 1400/08/21


我也會英語和波斯語,但我會說很少的波斯語。我和我的家人都是遊客,我的父母因為工作 來到伊朗。我今年11歲。

I't means💖

Hi i am emily
Welcome to my website
I live in China
I can also speak English and Persian, but I can speak very little Persian. My family and I are tourists, and my parents came to Iran because of work. I am 11 years old.



Well it does not matter.
This blog is about black pink.
And web buttons will be available soon
Web rules
Copying is prohibited
Don't hack
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And the author is accepted
I agree with the Iranian writer, Iran is also a holy and pure city for me


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Bye Bye 😂😍💖